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Why Travel to Cuba

Havana is the best place to go for those people who love travelling. Havana have many things that attract a large group of tourists because they are exciting and culturally interesting. These days, traveling in cub has been made easy because even airports are working. Cuba is well known globally because it homes many UNESCO world heritage sites. Those who love travelling should choose Cuba because it has many tourist attraction sites that are worth to be visited. One of the most important UNESCO sites is the Old Havana. Old Havana is one of the historical center in Cuba that receives many tourists. Also, a lot of attractive sites are found in this place. Old Havana is important to Cuba and receives many tourist because many Spanish colonial architectures like the fortresses are found there. There are many cultural and historical sites in Cuba and this has made even students to travel there these days so that they can explore them. Read on havana tours

The sandy beaches and warm sunny weather also has made the island of Cuba to be recognized globally. In the past few years, Cuba has registered huge number of tourists. Tourists from other countries are the ones who travel to Cuba and not those that are locally based. One of the last countries in the world that are facing political instability, Cuba is one of them. Security reasons are the ones that made tourists not go to Cube a few years ago. These days the country has improved ethically which has also enhanced security on the other hand. Cuba is located a few miles from the Key West Florida.

The foreign exchange Cuba receives from the tourism industry have helped it grow economically. Cuba is chosen by many tourists because it has many historical sites and they prefer seeing them rather than reading about them on the internet. There are different schedules of tours in Cuba. The type of culture that you are most interested in knowing more about it will be picked easily because of that. You will have to make stopovers at the University of Havana, Santiago and Cuba's national art schools if you are traveling for educational purposes. Also read on classic cars tours

The museums that are in Cuba are worth to be visited. The museum that is receiving a high number of tourists is Cuba's literacy museum. Museums and historical sites are not the only attractions sites that you can visit in Cuba. You will have free time also every day because everything is scheduled. There is time for beach where you go to enjoy swimming and even the sand beaches. You will even involve yourself in some activities like fishing and skin diving when you visit the beaches in Cuba. You will get delicious seafood in Cuba because the country has the most excellent restaurants. If you love artwork, you will not find it in any other place in the world apart from Cuba. View